Company News
CDEC Signs Contract of Thailand 9.5MW Nonthaburi RDF Power Plant Project
  • 2019/3/21
  • From:Chengdu Engineering Co., Ltd. of China Light Indus

On March 19th, our company and Hejian International Engineering Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China Nuclear Industry Construction Co., Ltd., held the signing ceremony of “Thailand 9.5MW Nonthaburi RDF Power Plant Project”. Liu Junjie, director of CDEC’s Overseas Engineering Department, signed the contract with Zhu Qin, the signing representative of Hejian international Engineering Co., Ltd..


Wang Kangjian, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and general manager of CDEC, attended the signing ceremony. Both sides exchanged views on the development of their respective businesses, hoping to take this signing as an opportunity to carry out in-depth cooperation in a wider range of fields.

This project is the first overseas waste-to-energy project undertaken by CDEC, marking the official “going out” of CDEC’s environmental protection business sector.
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